So, note I will start making more posts here as I'm not doing Photo of the Day this year. I actually have a backlog of things to talk about since I had winter vacation. First, there was Christmas vacation at Saturna with most of my family. There was just 7 of us, as my sister was down in South America and for a brief time Anarctica watching penguins.
Saturna had really good weather most of the 5 days I was there, it was sunny and pretty warm.
It still felt like Christmas though as we went Christmas caroling one night.
Here's Ben and Farley getting along well we walked between houses.
I played a game of monopoly (Star Wars edition) with my siblings which is something that's almost become a tradition for us when we visit Saturna. Apparently I have no photo documenting it so here is one of Farley looking like he is dead on Christmas morning.
We also went on a big hike my first day there...some of it was a bushwhacking
and some of it was following a narrow trail down a cliff. This is my dad,
the fearless leader of the group
For Christmas, I gave my family a game called Blokus which everyone seems to love.
On boxing day we took a ferry to the mainland and hoped to get some skiing in.