
Settling In

Today is the day of our house warming party. We've settled in quite a bit, what with the other having computers they use here rather than everyone using mine. We've also managed to make some messes.

Rob has really moved in yet though. His room is still empty and he still sleeps on the couch in the living room. Maybe it's because he believes the party tonight will just get us kicked right out of this joint. I'm just worried that most of the people there will end up being friend's of Rob's that I've only really seen at Rob's parties. That's because he's just worried we won't have enough room for people to hang out comfortably. I suggest people hang out in my room to aid the segregation between two groups that usually happens at one of our parties.

Fortunately since formatting my computer and then downloading drivers I can now actually get pictures off my camera's memory card! It used to freeze up my computer. Unfortunately I still don't have a good program for photo editting. That will probably change today though.


From the new Place

Soooo...yesterday he who doesn't really live here yet managed to get our Internet working. It still works. My computer was also wipped clean as it was filled with deadly viruses and all that fun stuff. Fortunately I took lots of needed stuff off of it before I formatted. That included all my pictures...well those that I didn't chose to delete (as Greg seemed to think, killing memories).

Here are some random pictures:

This last pic by Shaz I believe.



Soo...I have moved now. Not spaces, not anything online...but actually in fact moved my place of real-life residence. I now live much, much closer to school...and well...closer to everything really. Before I was out in the boonies. Now rather than being spoiled by my grandma, I am fending for myself along with 1½ classmates.

I say 1½ because 1 of them has yet to really move in. In fact, he has yet to tell his mom that he is even moving out. I don't know why he hasn't told her, but I believe he is waiting until she accidently finds out or puts all the hints together. Oh well, as long as he pays his rent...and fixes my computer...and makes us food...and such...then we're all good. Mwahaha. Actually, I have offered to do a lot of cleaning as my bit. I like a clean place and that's one of the reasons I moved. That and the experience I'm sure it will offer.

We're already going crazy and forgetting who's who.