

Today we visited TNT supermarket, which just had it's grand opening in and if you don't know what that is then please google it because you are currently connected to the internet and I am lazier than you. I was called by others already on there way there to tell me to come along yet I arrived before them not because I can time travel but because I took a faster way there. Ironically I didn't really go to buy anything, I went just to hang out with the others and thus it would have been beneficial to take part in the transportation time with the others. Ok, I gotta go play poker now. later.


Stop! Thief!

So I just went out for a walk to escape staying inside all day, and I discovered something amazing. That's right, you guessed it, I can now be comfortable outside in only a T-shirt! Well I mean my top half was wearing only a T-shirt instead of something more. I haven't done that in quite a while, but now it seems to be warm enough to do that. Winter is really gone.

I walked around my neighborhood today and noticed some streets are squished in that I didn't even know existed. Talk about closely-knitted neighborhoods. These people could all jump from their roof to their neighbor's roofs. Hell, they could step from their window to their neighbors.

You want a nice friendly neighborhood you can only reach by going past 3 signs that say there's no exit. You think this is going to stop people from breaking and entering? What about your neighbors that can just step over into your house, or if they like get out on your roof and walk three houses over via roofs and then break in. That way no one will suspect them. Better watch who moves in next-door. "Daddy, I hear reindeer prancing on the roof." Suuuuuuuure - now we know the story behind that one.


So Full...

So, this week has been the week of free food. The pizza today would have been enough for me, considering it was more than any of us could eat, but we also had free pop, cheezies, cake and sushi. I am stuffed. Man, I love our school!

The cool thing is we only had to talk about school and what we liked and hated about first year. That's all we had to do to get the pizza. We recieved the free sushi because we are friends with the guy who runs the sushi booth in the mall. We didn't really have to do anything to get the cake but it helped that we were are friends with the security guard who the left over cake was delivered to. I really don't know where it came from. Let these be tips for you all.

Oh and by the way, our comments about the school were totally anonymous because only sound was recorded. That is anyone who's name wasn't accidently said by another person was anonymous.

Anonymous Person 5

One thing the last couple days have shown is that free food is like gold to a university student. You go anywhere and do anything for it (if you can't get away after grabbing the food), you hoard it, and if you share it, your friends are very thankful.

On a total side note, my uncle gave me a wireless ethernet card in order to not need the long cord that ran through the hall from his room to mine. I have officially gone wireless. Well I mean I'm still plugged into power, but yeah so is every sane person (batteries die). Too bad we don't have wireless electricity.

My uncle didn't give me the card out of generosity. He gave it to me so they could use the cord to stretch to my cousin's big screen tv and play games online on it. Oh well, now I don't have to keep stealing it back from them.



I've been pretty moody lately. At least I was today, getting all stressed out and then chillin directly dependent on how well my programming was going and whether I was getting anything productive done. Half the time I feel like I am never going to get anything done on time, and then one second later I'll be thinking I'm going to finish it all no problem.

Anyway, onto more fun topics. This weekend was a blast. First on Saturday, a large group of us (14) went out for Sushi to celebrate the b-day of z!. It had been so long since I had all you can eat sushi, and I kept eating a lot longer than those at my table - although some of them had smaller stomachs for sure.

On Sunday, Alex came over and fixed my computer up a bit so it doesn't do this kind of thing anymore.

Yeah, it's hard to work like that so I'm glad he fixed it. Then we went out to a Whitespot to use my gift card I won just for watching a one person play on date rape drugs. My dad asked me if I picked up any tips from it! What does one say to that?! Anyways, we went into the Whitespot and ordered to go then drove off to the DRIVE IN movie theater which we got to first. I must admit, it was kind of stupid of us to drive up to the pay window with all the food sitting in plain view on my lap. Oh well, we got in anyway. Rob showed up with a very bright spotlight that he bought earlier that weekend but claims he didn't buy it specifically for the drive in. Yeah..right. It came into good use when the guy behind us wouldn't turn off his lights. Mwahahaha.




So I've spent too much time programming lately and have begun to wonder about my sanity at my summer job. I actually yelled myself hoarse and completely wiped myself on Tuesday getting mad at my computer. Anger sure takes a lot out of you.

Please tell me how to be calm and collected. Me - "I feel like killing something!" Nate - "You will be working at a children's hospital - you're going to end up killing little kids!"

Save the kids.



Sooo...it looks like the circus has come to town at the wrong time of year. Ok, so that's a horrible pic and you can't even really tell there is snow on the ground, but really there is. I guess it's only a carnival, not a circus, but it is a town...cause it's cloverdale... which is basically hick ville.

Anyway, I love snow! In case you don't know what snow is, it's white and cold and comes in a variety from the individual snow flakes which fall from the sky, to the powder, chunks, ice, or whatever form it chooses to take once gravity cause it to hit the ground or another object like me. In snow one can make snow men, snow balls, snow forts, snow angels, and pretty much any two words where the first one is 'snow'.

I come from up north where this snow is around much of the year and I miss it's presence. It's really like anything else, when you have it a lot you get tired of it, but if you don't have it for a while you miss it. I know other people who are from more snowy places who also miss it living here.

So all you people out there who claim to hate snow and are probably born somewhere where it doesn't snow often...like here...beware of what you wish for...because before you know it snow will cease to exist and we will all have to frolic on beaches instead. Wouldn't want that, would ya?!

PS. Don't do anything bad with snow.


The pen

Ahhhh...it's so pink. I haven't seen anything like this since Alpha Beta Troightuy in the year 5830!

Hmm...gee golly. I wonder whatever it is I could give z! for her the end of her second decade.

These people, so dependent on the normal passage of time, how drab.



Hey...so yeah, you're all now wondering what the hell is wrong with this dude.

It's all explained at the DTD Time Traveler website. That's right I have a website with my apparent life story on it. Basically it all started with a trip to Whistler...

It was most of this crazy gang that played Balderdash and determined that I was a time traveler from the future. Or rather...it may have started before that, but this solidified the "facts". So yes, please bare with me in this new persona. At least until you are dead and I am born.

-DTD out


In the beginning...

...there was a future man. (Woo hoo! That's me!)

Then he traveled back in time.... (because his friends decided he had come from the future)

and then he decided to blog here! (you are so lucky)

Ok, so I've now switched over to blogger from msn spaces because z! says it is "much brighter on this side of the blogosphere". We shall see how bright it is. Ohh...I also signed up for gmail and google talk. I figure might as well make all my changes all at once, kind of like jumping into a lake to learn how to swim while learning to tie your shoes at the start of a marathon while learning how to defuse a bomb by attempting to defuse a live nuke. I don't know...something like that.

Anyway...that's all for now...check out past posts and pics at my
old blog