
Stop! Thief!

So I just went out for a walk to escape staying inside all day, and I discovered something amazing. That's right, you guessed it, I can now be comfortable outside in only a T-shirt! Well I mean my top half was wearing only a T-shirt instead of something more. I haven't done that in quite a while, but now it seems to be warm enough to do that. Winter is really gone.

I walked around my neighborhood today and noticed some streets are squished in that I didn't even know existed. Talk about closely-knitted neighborhoods. These people could all jump from their roof to their neighbor's roofs. Hell, they could step from their window to their neighbors.

You want a nice friendly neighborhood you can only reach by going past 3 signs that say there's no exit. You think this is going to stop people from breaking and entering? What about your neighbors that can just step over into your house, or if they like get out on your roof and walk three houses over via roofs and then break in. That way no one will suspect them. Better watch who moves in next-door. "Daddy, I hear reindeer prancing on the roof." Suuuuuuuure - now we know the story behind that one.


Gordo said...

DTD i don't even need to read your post to know that that is a google satelite image of the street you live on. Gosh.

Shaz said...

Geeeez. What an innuendo, for shame DTD.

DTD Time Traveler said...

No, that's a couple blocks away from the street I live on, but nice try. You think you know it all. geeez