So I was actually tagged back in June by Tanya but have been quite lazy about it. Plus there has been more exciting stuff to write about.
- Each player starts with eight random facts about themselves. - Those who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight facts and post these rules. - At the end of the post, choose some people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I like swimming in lakes and oceans. It's much more exciting than swimming in a rectangular boring pool. If the pool has diving boards and water slides or waves then it's better, but swimming in a lake outside, and diving or jumping off cliffs, is pretty awesome. I don't mind the cold water. It's awesome to swim out to an island...a completely separate piece of land that people can't just walk to.
2. I volunteer a lot, of at least I used to. I can't say I've volunteered for much in the last few months. I was in the leadership ground in middle school and then student council for some of high school. At university I've been involved in so much stuff that I've reached the highest student ambassador level the program has and separately has become an
inductee into the leadership society. Strangely they stopped inducting people after me. Or at least stopped putting it on their website. Also, through volunteering I met my amazing girlfriend
3. I have been very slow at getting my education. I am entering my 7th year of post secondary. I don't know if it's fair to say that though considering I have never taken classes in the summer and usually don't take 5 classes or even 4 in a semester. I'm going at it slow and for more than a year now I've kept jobs along the lines of what I want to do after I graduate. So I think it's all good. Still, I'm sure many people I graduated high school with have already graduated from university.
4. I seriously lack knowledge about music. Do not ask me who is in what band or who a song is by or what year it came out or even what the name of a lot of songs are. Hell, you may often catch me singing incorrect lyrics to a song. I didn't really get into music until after high school and before that mostly listened to what my parents had playing at home. I also never learned to play any instruments. This is not to say that I hate music. I don't! I love it, I'm just saying I know very little about it.
5. While we're on the topic of what I don't know about. Let's take cars. I also know nothing about them. Maybe being a guy means I should know all about them and which ones are good and which ones are crap and all the technical stuff about how they work or even the simple stuff that apparently everyone should know (according to my old roommates Rob and Q) but I do not know a lot of this stuff (Big run-on sentence there). So shoot me.
6. Apparently I can travel through time. I'm not sure how it got started (perhaps with a Balderdash game at Whistler when I was sick) but I have a time machine or I'm really from the future or maybe I'm from the distant past. Anyways, I'm reaaaaaly old (at least 30?) and I may be able to unmake you so you don't exist by getting rid of one of your parents before your date of birth. You've been warned! Check out the game at
7. I have a really good sense of directions usually. I tend to remember where things are and like to figure out how to get places. Since I don't have a driver's license of car (see 5), it is often on the bus although some of it may involve trails through the woods. I don't like to use the trip planner on the
Translink website as that thing can be seriously stupid sometimes and I may be able to come up with a better way than it.
8. I have some sayings that I say. Apparently I say some things with such emphasis that they get remembered and become quite famous. That or a fellow classmate and film maker gave me a few lines to say and chose some odd cuts of me saying them and it will be forever remembered in such a way. Anyways, how would you know, "You weren't even there!"
Now I tag