

Well, the Mexican party was a blast, as was to be expected. We had a bunch of people that most of my group of friends did not know and who did not really show up in the Mexican theme, but that was alright because they stayed on a different floor most of the night. Some of us went for a swim in the pool which was outside and unheated and very (very) cold but quite refreshing.

We had a pinata but it wasn't taken down in the traditional-hit-it-with-a-stick way. Instead Nate decided to punch it until it fell and then Alex punched it on the floor until it exploded candy everywhere (some of the candy may still be there). Oh yeah - it was a Batman pinata. Who would have thought Nate would want to punch out Batman.

No movies were watched - not even any TV, and no Risk was played - not even other board games, but that can be marked down as being because it was a PARTY and not a usual Rob's-house-get-together, and it was excellent as it was.

I'm sure I will get multiple pictures from multiple sources, but for now you can be satisfied with the video we made for Gordo, who could not be with us. I make no appologies for my zanyness in this production.

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