
Italy in 6 days

Lately I've been doing lots of biking to get ready for Italy as I now leave in 6 days! I'm very excited because not only will I be traveling to another continent for the first time, but I'm going to be biking and camping with close friends who I haven't seen in a while.

Unfortunately I'm having some budget issues so its a good thing we'll be living cheap. My friends have already been there for a month and a half now and are also low on funds. Traveling to Italy, for me started as just a way of doing something exciting and escaping the everyday. Usually the money in my savings account simply gets saved for a rainy day. This time I thought I'd throw it all into a very memorable and awesome experience. Actually, I didn't think I'd throw it ALL in but it's now turning out that way. Due to some unrelated and unexpected costs to do with school, I'm now cutting it pretty close.

There won't be many visits into museums or famous historic sites (that cost money) and I may not be buying any souvenirs. I plan on taking lots of photos and just enjoying the moments. To me it's just being there with my friends in a totally new place, in a totally new situation that will be perfect.

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