

So I'm thinking maybe I will start this blog up again. That or perhaps I am currently just being too much of a slacker when I should be working. Anyways, a few thoughts I've had recently.

What is the purpose of a blog anyways? I think there seem to be two main yet conflicting goals. The first one is to get your thoughts down and record things in your life as sort of a diary. The second one that lots of people seem to do is to use it as a communication place with all their friends. That is you post about entertaining things you've heard about or that have recently happened to you and then people read it and comment. You read their blogs and comment as well and this way you stay in touch and amused. Weren't diaries supposed to be these things you kept secret with a lock and key and didn't let anyone read? How do these two purposes go together? Would I blog if no one was going to read it? Would you?

So switching topic, once again this is another summer where I am busy busy busy. Every summer I think, "Sweet, it's the summer and now I can relax and be happy being bored." Then next thing you know I've planned a billion different things to do and then of course I have to work and this year I've got school in the summer too...although I'm lucky that my work and school are very integrated.

I apparently live too close to restaurants and a grocery store now to plan my meals more than 20 minutes in advance. Maybe it's because of the busy thing. I don't think this is a good thing. Back when I lived a 15 minute walk away from the grocery store I always wanted to be closer but now that I live right near one I find I never plan out what I should buy and instead pick it up right before I eat it. It's odd. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side?

Oh well at least I am still getting lots of exercise despite not carrying groceries. I am working on one of those running programs for the Sun Run where you do more running each week. It's a three month program that will end long before the run but that's ok. I hear the crowd at the run takes away all the fun anyway. I'm also biking lots and getting ready for the trip to Italy, but I think that's for another post.

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