

Ever heard the phrase "Anticipation is half the fun." Well sometimes I think it's even more...and no I'm not talking about events that don't live up to my expectations. In terms of time I think I would rank good events as being the best #1 - in the present (happening NOW), followed by #2 - in the future (going to happen), and finally #3 - in the past (already happened).

So yes, any good event is a lot more fun when you are actually at it, then when you are planning it or waiting for it - but the thing is an event only lasts for so long, and lately it seems like I have anticipation for things days in advance. Then it'll happen and before I know it, it's the next day or two...and normal routine settles in again. I'm just glad there seems to always be something to look forward to. No having to step back to the past and do things again.


Shaz said...

There is a delightful song called Anticipation that I have to send you.

Remind me later.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.